dijous, 11 de desembre del 2008


Adolescence is the unhappiest time in most people's lifes

Adolescence is a time where people have a lot of changes. Maybe it is when most changes are made, with a brief lapse of time in the body and the brain. For this reason, the statement has many arguments for and again.

When youngsters begin to change, they feel not always good. Changes can be a quite problem in your life.

For example, suddenly black hairs begin to grow where before it had only a beautiful skin. Also appears thousands of grains in your body, the mouth changes, the eyes change, your nose is like a mountain in the nowhere...'Oh my Good, I'm getting a Gremling'.

It's the first idea appears in your mind each morning when you are front the mirror. The following is your relationships with parents and adult people are impossible. They don't understand nothing, they only say stupid things. All theirs decisions appear for you like a big mistake. It's impossible explain them your feelings.

However, not all in your adolescence are bad things. I can remember very well my change. And if I remember well, it is because it was very interesting for me. In despite of the fact described before, when you left the innocent, and become to be and adult, you start to have interested about a lot of life's things. It's possible that the best friends were founded in this time.

The music, films, books that before were boring, now are amazing and you can be many hours with your friends speaking about them. Each second in your life has the most important, and you live with high intensity all things. And of course. The sex...Great! The love...Wonderful! Sex, love, sex, love, sex, sex, sex. What can we say about the subject. The engine of the live start. Our life's motive. The evolution of species depends on it, and the instinct is heavy when awake in our bodies. Heavy and amazing.

Therefore, it's true this time can be difficult and we can have a lot of problems. But, in my opinion the adolescence has a lot of good things, and it can be the best time in your life. Only is a question to take with the calm, and to have a good point of view.

I'm sorry teacher, but it was more funny write my composition here.

Best regards!

3 comentaris:

inopia ha dit...

Eiiii, nice compostition! I don't know, but it sounds to me sort of familiar...

I like your blog :))

nosequisoc ha dit...

Uauuuuuu! one comment in my blooooog! Thanks inopia. I hope you go on with enjoying my blog. Bye bye!

Anònim ha dit...

ep! quin nivell d'anglès! congratulations. Imma